
Friday, June 10, 2016

"Final" Chapter

      I signed my name and closed the book. Putting my pen down, I viewed the front cover: “Home School.” It was a big book. Probably too big for my shelf to hold. It’s a strange feeling, finishing that last chapter.

      I sat back and sighed. “What a book,” I said to myself. Indeed, it was a wild book, almost crazy, I would say. I thought back on all the things that happened, all the people I met, and all the lessons I learned. All of those things led me here today. They shaped me and my life.

      I flipped through the whole book, taking a look back at how the past years unfolded, and what I saw was amazing. It was like a tapestry, weaved on a loom, with an array of different colors twisted in intricate design. I thought, “How did this come to be? All I did was the normal, step-by-step tasks. I was almost walking blind, so to speak. How could my life be weaved in this way?”

      Then I realized, with a growing sense of awe, that everything was controlled by a Master Designer, the Grand Weaver. Behind every page in that big book, I could see a hidden hand at work.

      I made mistakes. There were some blotches of ink that resulted from my attempt to write things I thought would be nice but actually weren’t. Those marks will stay there, I was sure, and they will forever be a reminder of the bad decisions I had made. But I have hope that the future will be better, as I learn and grow in wisdom more and more.

      I found myself staring at the last page. I moved to close the cover, but something caught my eye. I looked closer. Right after the last sentence . . . was a comma. That was weird. I didn’t remember putting that there. But as I was wondering about it, I suddenly noticed another book nearby. I picked it up, and there on the front cover was this word: “College.” Suddenly, I realized why the comma was there: the story wasn’t supposed to end. . .

      . . . There would be more.

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