
Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

The Plymouth colonists came to a new world to start a new life, uncertain, finding their way about a strange environment. They built, worked, and grew. God blessed them with a plentiful harvest and they celebrated in thanksgiving by strengthening a bond with the native American Indians in the land. New land -- God’s faithfulness -- response of gratitude.

I came to the States to start college, uncertain, finding my way about a brand new environment. I built relationships, I worked, and I definitely grew relationally, mentally, and spiritually. And all through my time in this land so far, the Lord has shown His faithfulness and hand in my life. He was with me from the beginning, walked with me through the first semester, and I believe He will lead me through the years to come. He provided a place for me to stay with a local family, where I experienced my first Thanksgiving celebration. I want to respond to His goodness with whole-hearted gratitude. New land -- God’s faithfulness -- response of thanksgiving.

The Lord will bring us to new places many times in our lives, and when we continue to walk with Him, we will see His faithfulness every season and every morning. Our natural response would then be one of thankfulness. So let us keep our eyes open to see His hand at work, and celebrate Thanksgiving with love in our hearts for God and for those around us.

Nathanael Chong

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